A blog for Elon University's 2012 Winter Term course Italy's Heritage: Past is Present. Follow us here as we engage Italy's past from the ancient era to the postmodern present. Our course reporters will post regular updates commenting on how our course readings, on-site visits, group discussion, and the classroom community shape our understanding of the past--and the present.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
One last post...
Below is a photo from our last night in our beloved Roma at the Trevi Fountain. As the story goes, you are supposed to throw a coin over your shoulder on your last day in the city to ensure that you return. So I suppose for all of us who did so, we can all look forward to another adventure in Rome someday.
Monday, January 23, 2012
First night home
Arriviamo presto!
Lynn and I are looking forward to reading the reflection essays over the next few weeks. But not before we've had a really good night's sleep!!
Ciao, a presto!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Facist Rome
Bittersweet Last Day
What a bittersweet day it is. I cannot believe we are leaving Italy tomorrow! It seems like only yesterday that we were exploring the ruins of Ostia, climbing through the Colosseum, and seeing Saint Peters Basilica. We will end our course tonight with a final group dinner and tossing a coin into the Trevi Fountain. This course was an amazing experience. Today our course ended with the Roman Civilization Museum that taught us about Mussolini and Fascism. Although I am going to miss Italy, especially the food, I am ready to go home and see my family.
Ciao Ciao Italia
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Rome Revisited
Moving into Modern Rome...
Our main attractions of the day was the Victor Emmanuelle Monument and the Risorgimento Museum. This is a huge, and relatively new building, that sits right in the middle of the city. Known as the "typewriter" or the "wedding cake" to many people, both Italians and locals, the building is massive and towers over all of the other buildings in the area, especially the well-known attractions with ancient significance, like the Forum, the Colosseum, and Trajan's Markets - all things we have seen and learned about during our time in Rome! The building was created in dedication to the first king of the united Italy, Victor Emmanuelle. The kingdom of Italy was proclaimed in 1861. The white marble building is quite the site to see, with huge columns, tons of steps, and beautiful statues.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Baroque Rome
Buena sera! Today our focus was on Baroque Rome. We first went to the Galleria Borghese where we saw several works of art by the famous Bernini. His famous sculptures include Apollo and Daphne and David, among many others with unique vulgarity and expressions. Then we visited many churches that reflected Baroque Roman architecture and art. Baroque art focuses a lot on fooling the eye to believe realistic images. We saw examples of this in the beautiful artwork on the ceiling of Santa Maria della Vittoria and Sant’ Ignazio di Loyola. We have been keeping very busy and tomorrow should be an exciting day when we visit Saint Peter’s and the Vatican Museums.
ROMEin' Around
Fontana di Trevi!
A photo below of the Trevi promise and a little teaser from our walking tour of Baroque architecture, San Carlo alla Quattro Fontana.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Rome-ward bound!
Evan Gatti
The photo below shows our students snoozing as we make our way go Rome. They are going to need the rest. We'll do the rest of the course a piedi! (on foot!)
Monday, January 16, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Today we had a long day traveling around Assisi, but we learned a ton. We had a local and knowledgeable guide, Guisseppe, show us around and teach us about the area.
Assisi, and Spoleto where we have been staying, are part of Umbrian Italy. This area is very mountainous and was once completely water and swamp land. Long ago, people would build on top of the mountains and be overlooking valleys that were filled with water. Then, the Romans figured out that they could use technology to rid the area of the water and they built canals to get the water out. Now, the beautiful land is very fertile and used to grow many things, including the olives that are used to make olive oil. They are also completely built on without any water in sight.. it's incredible!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Learning en route.
If you are interested in Sasso Rosso (maybe to book a visit), check out their web page: http://www.sassorosso.it/
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Actually we're waiting for a cooking demonstration. We'll learn how to make a local pasta and sauce.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Today, we visited Pompeii and had the chance to explore the city ruins. We had a great time learning on-site about the many people who lived there when Mount Vesuvius erupted with volcanic ash, pumice stone, and deadly gases over 2000 years ago. Although the natural disaster killed a majority of the people who decided not to leave Pompeii, the town itself is still standing without a ton of damage, which is absolutely amazing considering the circumstances. We made the most of our experience, exploring the city and imagining it as though it were so many years ago, and even taking the chance to put ourselves in the shoes of many Pompeiians. At the end of the day, our classmates had the opportunity to make their own decisions about whether or not we would stay or go when the volcano overtook the city. How did we express this, you may ask? In mini performances at the Little Theater... it was so much fun (and quite funny)! I think it is safe to say that most of us decided we would rather flee the city if it were possible. And that is exactly what we did! After a great day, we are back in Salerno for our last night. Tomorrow, we head to Naples for another adventure.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
When in Rome...
Last night a group of us ventured to Piazza Navona to explore the annual Epiphany Market. We had fun testing our Italian (all locals have been extremely patient and encouring as far as learning their language), endulging in warm donutes drizzled in Nutella (an Italian staple), and simply wandering the square filled with carnival games, Christmas shops, street performers and the Ephiphany witch herself. Be sure to look up the story for details about this popular Italian event!
A presto for now!
*Photo: me and Kassi being the dancers we are in front of the Pantheon
Yep, we had class at night, after being on site all day...
Friday, January 6, 2012
Religious Pluralism in the Ancient World
Salve! Today, we learned about several of the religions in Italy, both past and present. We went on a great tour given by three women who are part of the Jewish community in Rome to learn about the Jewish Ghetto and the Jewish community in Italy. There are currently 16,000 Jews living in Rome, and several of them still live near the Synagogue that still remains today... what an amazing experience! Several of us even had the opportunity to have a kosher lunch in the community. Here is a picture of our group near the Ghetto.
First post in Rome!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
On the run!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Evan Gatti